
Re: Add web-fragment.xml to jsf-impl.jar?

From: Cay Horstmann <cay_at_horstmann.com>
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2009 12:26:11 -0700

Ryan Lubke wrote:
> On 10/10/09 6:12 AM, Cay Horstmann wrote:
>> Should Glassfish add a web-fragment.xml to jsf-impl.jar so that users
>> can deploy JSF applications without having to provide a boilerplate
>> web.xml file?
> We won't be adding a web-fragement.xml to jsf-impl.jar. The primary
> reason is if Mojarra is installed as a global library, this would cause
> Mojarra to be bootstrapped for every application whether or not it used
> JSF. Not ideal.
> We *will* be adding a ServletContainerInitializer instead but we have
> had to ship it disabled due to issues with the web container.
> It will be re-enabled upon our next integration which will be some time
> next week.

Thanks! Does that help with the web.xml boilerplate?


Cay S. Horstmann | http://horstmann.com | mailto:cay@horstmann.com