
Re: Announcing v3 FishCAT, a community Beta testing program, please join Fish/CA

From: Jack Sparrow <jacksparrow602_at_gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 09:15:13 +0900

Hi Judy

Long long time no see you sorry...
This information is very good for me, so I restart my voyage in the
"GlassFish Ocean".
Now I'm getting a new build (b65), and installing to the "BlackPearl".

My testing environment below...

iMac 7,1
CPU Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GHz
Memory 2GB
OS Mac OS X 10.6.1 Snow
Java JavaSE 6 u15

First, I want to use "update center" to get the "Metro", "JTA" and

2009/9/25 Jack Sparrow <jacksparrow602_at_gmail.com>:
> Hi All,
> Last call to join FishCAT today.  So far we have more than 60 people
> joined from 20 different countries.  The world
> becomes small when we have FishCAT Beta testing party :-)
> We will start FishCAT testing after we get this week promote build b65.
> To join FishCAT, please click:
> http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dExzWVBPSlYtVm5sckFkVmlUY21oYnc6MA..
> To get prepared, here is FishCAT FAQ:
> http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=FishCATFAQ
> Thanks,
> Judy
> Judy Tang wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Great news. So far we have 45 people signed up from 15 different
>> countries. Would like to say thank you
>> to those who joined, also would like to invite more people to join the
>> FishCAT testing party. Here is the link to join:
>> http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dExzWVBPSlYtVm5sckFkVmlUY21oYnc6MA..
>> We will start FishCAT testing by end of next week.  Here is tentative
>> schedule:
>> FishCAT Testing Schedule:    9/24/09 - 10/9/09 (2 weeks)
>> FishCAT doc review schedule: 9/24/09 - 10/9/09 (2 weeks)
>> FishCAT i18n/l10n testing:   9/24/09 - 10/21/09 (4 weeks)
>> Thanks and have a good weekend !
>> Judy
>> Judy Tang wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Welcome to the FishCAT
>>> <http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=FishCAT>  - a GlassFish
>>> Community Acceptance Testing program. The main goal of this
>>> program is to provide opportunity to community to significantly
>>> influence the quality of the GlassFish as well
>>> as to get early feedback on stability and usability in GlassFish Beta
>>> testing cycle.  We had a very successful
>>> FishCAT program for GlassFish v3 Prelude, click
>>> <http://blogs.sun.com/judy/entry/thank_you_fishcat> you will see who
>>> joined and how many bugs filed. We
>>> appreciate all your help.  We had fun and let's do it again !
>>> We will start our second FishCAT program for GlassFish v3 in about
>>> one week.  We would like to invite
>>> you to join FishCAT program by filling out this online application
>>> form (click
>>> <http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dExzWVBPSlYtVm5sckFkVmlUY21oYnc6MA..>).
>>> If you have an experience
>>> with GlassFish and want to contribute some time and effort to test
>>> GlassFish v3, review docs or do i18n/l10n
>>> testing, please join us, applications are being accepted until 9/23
>>> next Wednesday.
>>> We will use mailing list quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net for FishCAT
>>> program communication.Your voice is
>>> important to us. Ready to contribute ? We look forward to hearing
>>> from you !
>>> Best regards,
>>> Judy/Yifeng
>>> FishCAT coordinator for GFQC
>>> <https://glassfish.dev.java.net/quality/portal/>
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>>> For additional commands, e-mail: quality-help_at_glassfish.dev.java.net