
Re: java ee dependency management (Re: admin_gui not starting anymore when xercesImpl.jar present in domain1/lib/?)

From: Kristian Rink <rink_at_planconnect.de>
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 11:50:41 +0200

Hi Alexis, *;

Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine schrieb:
>> - Will "asadmin deploy --libraries" deploy libraries depending upon the
>> application to be deployed, or can I also use this to deploy --libraries
>> shared among many (all) applications in the domain?
> This might answer some of your concerns :
> http://blogs.sun.com/alexismp/entry/more_with_deploy_libraries

Indeed, thanks! :)

>> capable to, by this and just by throwing in a poorly chosen jar, mess
>> up the
>> whole app server installation... ;)
> Yes, please file a bug and CC me, dochez and sahoo.

Done so:


>> So where's the difference between $GLASSFISH_HOME/lib/ and <domain>/lib/,
>> from this point of view? Or, other way 'round, is there a place where to
>> dump jars without eventually affecting the whole app server? This really
>> would be beneficial... :)
> Outside of the glassfish/ hierarchy ;)

I see. :) Given good tooling to make [web|ejb] apps easily know about such a
shared folder, this would be a feasible solution I think. :)


Dipl.-Ing.(BA) Kristian Rink * Software- und Systemingenieur
planConnect GmbH * Könneritzstr. 33 * 01067 Dresden
fon: 0351 215 203 71 * cell: 0176 2447 2771 * mail: rink_at_planconnect.de
Amtsgericht Dresden HRB: 20 015 * St.-Nr. FA DD I 201 / 116 / 05360
Geschäftsführer: Stefan Voß, Karl Stierstorfer