
Re: Problem with virtual servers

From: Sankar Neelakandan <Sankar.Neelakandan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 09:24:08 -0700

forwarding to users_at_gf

Cserep Janos wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm running Glassfish v3 build 63 on OpenSolaris x86 and run into a
> nasty issue with virtual servers.
> My current domain.xml can be found here:
> http://www.metaprime.hu/domain.xml
> As you see I have multiple virtual servers defined, the setup in
> domain.xml is very similar for all of them. The problem is one of them
> is not working: the web application caissa is not reachable on / as
> the default web module of the virtualserver ccb. It can be reached on
> /caissa on virtualserver ccb however.
> I've checked sun-web.xml and web.xml but found nothing related to this
> particular webapp in them which would prevent Glassfish to map it on /
> for a virtual server. And it worked with a previous build.
> After a number of restarts which involved undeploying the application,
> deleting the virtual server, creating the vs without default web
> module, deploying the app, modifying the app to the virtual server,
> modifying virtual server to have the default web module and then again
> saving the app I've finally managed to get it working a few days ago,
> but a recent app server restart again has me in the same state: one of
> the virtual servers is not working and I can no longer reproduce what
> I did to get it working during the weekend.
> What's interesting is that /index.html shows the file from the default
> virtual server's docroot, not the ccb's as long as the application is
> deployed. Once I undeploy it, the correct virtual server's docroot is
> listed.
> Is this a known problem?
> Thanks,
> Janos