
Re: [semi-OT] JDBC Connection Pool debugging?

From: Sankar Neelakandan <Sankar.Neelakandan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 07:04:35 -0700

Kristian Rink wrote:
> Folks;
> somewhat off-topic yet interesting, maybe someone has some idea: In one of
> our installments at the moment we're trying to track down a peculiar error
> slowing down (and eventually, sooner or later) bringing our RDBMS / SQL
> backend to a painful halt. We noticed that some threads inside the DBMS are
> "slow" and/or locked up in long-running / terminated(?) queries, and we are
> trying to figure out what happens. It's not all related to the Java EE
> server, but it has at least partly been involved here.
> Question: Having a JDBC resource / connection pool defined in Glassfish v2,
> is there a way of figuring out which of the pooled connections are active
> and, ideally, which statement they are processing at the moment? If so, how?
> If not, how do you track down things like that?
You can use callflow monitoring feature of v2 to trace the flow of
execution, but its not going to tell you what is happening inside a
method/connection thread.
Try it and see whether it is helpful.

asadmin start-callflow-monitoring server (or) use AdminGUI to enable
callflow for DAS or any other instances.
In AdminGUI monitoring page you will also see a callflow tab which you
can use to view the details of method flow.

> TIA and all the best,
> Kristian