
Re: "asadmin set" prompts for admin password while using default port values

From: Sankar Neelakandan <Sankar.Neelakandan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 06:50:24 -0700

The .asadminpass file is in your home directory.

Naresh wrote:
> I do not see the .asadminpass file.
> I see the following when I do a grep of "pass" on "tree -a" at
> glassfishv3:
>> naresh_at_sb218824-laptop:~/Desktop/glassfishv3$ tree -a | grep pass
>> | | | |-- domain-passwords
>> | | | |-- local-password
>> | | |-- master-password
>> | | |-- passfile.sample
>> | | | `-- passfile
> The empty password for "admin" at the password prompt does work though.
> -Naresh
> Sankar Neelakandan wrote:
>> Remove the /.asadminpass file and you won't see the prompt for password.
>> You might have logged into the default domain using different admin
>> password for user "admin" in port 4848
>> Now the default user is "admin" and default password is no password.
>> If you try to login with the old .asadminpass file ,you are actually
>> passing a non empty password which will result in a incorrect
>> credentials.
>> But after you change the admin port the entry in .asadminpass will be
>> ignored because login details are based on host and port.
>> Try removing the file and see if it works for default port.
>> -Sankar
>> Naresh wrote:
>>> In the latest nightly build (b64) of GF v3, I see that *asadmin
>>> set* command prompts for admin password, which was not the case in
>>> the previous builds (checked with the promoted build b62).
>>> When I enter the password as "adminadmin", it fails saying invalid
>>> password (I'm using the zip bundle, on a Linux machine).
>>> However, when the the HTTP, HTTPS and ADMIN port values are changed
>>> from the default values, *asadmin set* doesn't prompt for the admin
>>> password.
>>> I sense something fishy happening here.
>>> Is it some regression in the latest nightly build?
>>> - Naresh
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