
[Abnormal test case ] Undeploy --> Restart

From: K K. <kana.akmt_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2009 17:12:35 +0900

Hi all,

I tried testing some abnormal cases and found an odd behavior:

1. Deploy hello.war from admin gui.
2. Undeploy it via cli: asadmin undeploy hello (Note:Keep admin gui as
the above status)
3. From admin gui Applications page, click "Restart" in "Action" column.

admin-gui shows the message saying "The application has been
successfully restarted.",
while application has been undeployed and deleted from the server.

It may not be critical though (it's an abnormal case after all),
should I file this as a bug ?
Sorry if this is a known issue.

* GlassFish v3 b65 (Installed with Windows Installer)
* Windows XP sp3

Kana. Kotake

(image/jpeg attachment: undeploy_restart.jpg)