
Re: Announcing v3 FishCAT, a community Beta testing program, please join Fish/CAT to find bugs

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2009 00:35:24 -0700

Hi Kana,

So good to hear from you. Please don't feel sorry, we know every one is
busy with work and life.
That is why we feel so happy when we see an email like this. You are
back just in time. Welcome !

In about one week we will start the FishCAT testing. We will send email
here to let every one know.


K K. wrote:
> Hi Judy and all of FishCATs' members,
> Nice to hear that FishCAT starts again !
> I'm sorry, I've been working at our client's company for past few
> months and could not make time to contribute GlassFish community, but
> now I'm back :-)
> I'd be very happy to join this FishCAT program.
> Kana
> 2009/9/15 Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_sun.com>:
>> Hi All,
>> Welcome to the FishCAT - a GlassFish Community Acceptance Testing program.
>> The main goal of this
>> program is to provide opportunity to community to significantly influence
>> the quality of the GlassFish as well
>> as to get early feedback on stability and usability in GlassFish Beta
>> testing cycle. We had a very successful
>> FishCAT program for GlassFish v3 Prelude, click you will see who joined and
>> how many bugs filed. We
>> appreciate all your help. We had fun and let's do it again !
>> We will start our second FishCAT program for GlassFish v3 in about one
>> week. We would like to invite
>> you to join FishCAT program by filling out this online application form
>> (click). If you have an experience
>> with GlassFish and want to contribute some time and effort to test GlassFish
>> v3, review docs or do i18n/l10n
>> testing, please join us, applications are being accepted until 9/23 next
>> Wednesday.
>> We will use mailing list quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net for FishCAT program
>> communication.Your voice is
>> important to us. Ready to contribute ? We look forward to hearing from you !
>> Best regards,
>> Judy/Yifeng
>> FishCAT coordinator for GFQC
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