
Re: java ee dependency management (Re: admin_gui not starting anymore when xercesImpl.jar present in domain1/lib/?)

From: Gail Risdal <Gail.Risdal_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 17:28:51 -0700

Hi Kristian,

Regarding your doc comment in this thread ... I asked around and didn't
uncover the information you mentioned. Maybe you can help with this FAQ
...? =) It's a good suggestion.

GlassFish Doc Team

Kristian Rink wrote:
> Hi Richard, *;
> Richard Kolb schrieb:
>>Yes, I suspect hibernate gets confused across class loaders.
>>We spent a week of company trying to fix this to no avail.
> I know what you mean. :) This, along with the size issues, is one of the
> reasons however why we tried to focus on technologies that comes
> pre-provided by Glassfish v2/v3 (JPA, EclipseLink, ...) in order to also
> keep the set of additional dependencies required reduced to a minimum. The
> set of dependencies still is big enough in our case. ;)
>>These large WAR etc. files are a real problem in GlassFish. And I say
>>GlassFish because Tomcat has two lib folders. shared/lib and common/lib
>>that prevent problems like you are experiencing. (sorry I am repeating
>>myself, just making it clear to the other people reading)
> I think / thought it would be the same in Glassfish v3: I see the
> "glassfish/lib/" which I consider a place to store jars available to the
> server (i.e. in gfv2 I dumped some tomcat libs in there to make gfv2 capable
> of being used along with mod_jk which is really pretty neat and fortunately
> comes out-of-the-box with gfv3... :) ), "domains/<domain>/lib/" the place to
> dump libraries available to the domain = the applications running in there?
> IIRC "asadmin deploy" invoked with --library does put things to
> "<domain>/lib/applibs/" instead of just "<domain>/lib/".
> Maybe this is a good question to the doc team: Is there a piece of
> documentation on gfv3 available outlining...
> - ... which files to put to <domain>/lib/ and its subfolders
> (applibs,classes,databases,ext), and
> - ... where to put jar files to be considered to contain "shared code" used
> by many (all) ejb or war modules in a domain?
> If not, this would make a good FAQ entry IMHO. ;)
>>And this begs the question, if I want to deduce the size of my WAR file,
>>where do I copy the dependencies to in GlassFish 3 ? The domainX/lib ?
>>After I know this I would like to do some testing and maybe Kristian can
> Indeed this would help, eventually along with notes like "Jars to keep out
> of <domain>/lib/*". I mean, after all, not putting servlet.jar (or other
> libraries provided by the container itself already) seems a reasonable and
> obvious thing. For other libraries, it's not that obvious. ;)
> Cheers,
> Kristian