
Re: b62: Setting/resetting a monitoring level requires GF restart to take effect. Is it intended?

From: Naresh <Srinivas.Bhimisetty_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 14:05:56 +0530

Naresh wrote:
> Hi,
> in the nightly build b62, I see that setting a monitoring level to
> HIGH or OFF does not really take effect until GlassFish is restarted.
In fact, resetting the monitoring level to OFF does not really unset the
property even after restarting GlassFish.
Though *asadmin get ...* shows it as OFF, the modules/apps registered
for monitoring still seem to be monitored.

> Is it an intended change of behavior from the previous versions?
> If I recall properly the setting/resetting used to take effect
> immediately, till the previous builds.
> BTW, I have tried setting the following monitoring level:
> configs.config.server-config.monitoring-service.module-monitoring-levels.web-container
> Thanks,
> Naresh
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