
Re: Issue with License Screen Back Next button - build 44

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 11:54:57 -0700

Hi Sharvil, Good catch, please file a bug so developer can look into
this further :-)


sharvil shah wrote:
> HI,
> We are using build 44 and we found following issue with
> License screen back next button. Details are as follows:
> Run setup.exe. click next on welcome screen. You will be forwarded to
> License screen with radio button I do not accept terms and condition
> selected by default. Click back button. Click next on welcome screen
> and u will be forwarded to License screen with same default settings.
> Again click Radio button I accept terms and condition. Click back
> button. click next button on welcome screen and you would be forwarded
> to License screen with default settings i.e radio button i do not
> accept terms and conditions button selected.
> Now click I accept terms and conidition radio button and click next
> button.Click back button on Installation directory and you would be
> forwarded to License screen. Click back on License screen. On welcome
> screen click next and you will observe the default settings are not
> loaded. Thus the radio button I do not accept the terms and conditions
> would not be selected by default. This behavior contradicts its
> default behavior.
> So can anyone look into the matter and let us know whether this is an
> enhanced feature or a bug cause we believe that next button on welcome
> screen should have uniform behavior that is displaying License screen
> with default settings (i.e Radio button I do not accept terms and
> condition selected by default).
> Regards,
> Sharvil