
Re: SJSU: Admin GUI > Resources button on tree menu

From: Yifeng <Yifeng.Luo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2009 19:21:46 -0700


This is related to issue




Rahul Satasia wrote:
> Hello.!
> I have installed Glassfish v3 build 44, under Windows Vista.
> - Open Admin GUI in Internet Explorer v7.
> - Click on "Resources" link-button in the tree menu.
> - It will shows the following Warning message: "Stack Overflow at
> line: 342" [see, IE -7- Resources.png]
> - but, after clicking "OK" button on that messageBox, it shows the
> Resources page fine.
> - Is that the BUG or somthing missing at my side..??
> It was not showing the warning message in Mozilla v3.0.7 and Safari v4
> beta.
> *Thank You,*
> *Rahul Satasia.*
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