
SJSU: Admin GUI > Resources button on tree menu

From: Rahul Satasia <imsatasia_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 05:29:42 +0530 (IST)

Hello.!   I have installed Glassfish v3 build 44, under Windows Vista.   - Open Admin GUI in Internet Explorer v7. - Click on "Resources" link-button in the tree menu. - It will shows the following Warning message: "Stack Overflow at line: 342"[see, IE -7- Resources.png] - but, after clicking "OK" button on that messageBox, it shows the Resources page fine. - Is that the BUG or somthing missing at my side..?? It was not showing the warning message in Mozilla v3.0.7 and Safari v4 beta.   Thank You, Rahul Satasia. Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to http://messenger.yahoo.com/invite/