
Re: [SJSU]: Bug #9- Default value problem with Common Tasks-->Application Server-->Advanced-->Application Configuration--> Reload value.

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 00:07:17 -0700

Hi Ankush,

I have a good suggestion for you. How about you use your school bug
system to log
these bugs first. When you have more time you can try b45 to verify the
bugs. Please
don't use Sun bug system in this case, it can add a lot overhead for us.

Thanks and good luck to you :-)

Ankush Kanungo wrote:
> Hi,
> Judy, thanks for pointing out my mistake. :(
> I have a doubt, should i continue to send the bugs that i have found
> with build 44 or else i need test those with the latest build. If i go
> with build 45 now, then i will be running out of time. :(
> I am asking this because tomorrow i need to submit the Manual test
> report to Prof. Gao.
> Thank you,
> Ankush
> On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 11:08 PM, Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_sun.com
> <mailto:Judy.J.Tang_at_sun.com>> wrote:
> Thanks Anissa for pointing this out. Looks Ankush is using b44.
> Hi Ankush, Please try b45, and let us know what issues # are
> resolved and what issues # are
> still there, so we can help to look into further. Thanks for
> following the report process, one
> process step you forgot to follow which is to used the latest
> build. Next time I am sure you
> will remember it :-)
> 3. Found in Version(build): glassfish-v3-web-ea-b44
> Thanks a lot !
> Judy
> Anissa Lam wrote:
>> Hi Ankush,
>> Which version are you using ? This and a couple of other issues
>> you mentioned relating to layout has been fixed in promoted build 45.
>> If you are not using the latest promoted build, can you install
>> that and try it again ?
>> thanks
>> Anissa.
>> Ankush Kanungo wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am an SJSU student and we are testing GlassFish Application
>>> Server for one of the curriculum
>>> project. According to Judy's email(Please see below). I am
>>> sending this to quality alias first.
>>> Please lets us know, if it is ok to file this as a bug on Sun's
>>> site or not.
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Bug #9
>>> 1. Reporter: ankushkanungo
>>> 2. Component: GlassFish Application Server V3
>>> 3. Found in Version(build): glassfish-v3-web-ea-b44
>>> 4. Subcomponent: Admin Console
>>> 5. Platform: Windows
>>> 6. Browser Version: IE 7
>>> 7. OS: Vista Home Premium
>>> 8. Priority: P4
>>> 9. Summary: Default value problem with Common
>>> Tasks-->Application Server-->Advanced-->Application
>>> Configuration--> Reload value
>>> 10. Description:
>>> Steps to reproduce.
>>> 1. After going to Common Tasks-->Application
>>> Server-->Advanced-->Application Configuration.
>>> 2. For Reload field, the documentation says that the default
>>> value for this is "enabled" .
>>> 3. If the Reload field is not enabled.
>>> 4. And then when the "Load Defaults" tab is pressed.
>>> 5. Then the Reload field should be "enabled", as this is the
>>> default value for this field.
>>> 6. However, this does not happen, it remains "disabled" even
>>> after pressing the "load default" tab.
>>> 7. Also here there is a display problem with this screen after
>>> pressing the "load default" tab.
>>> Please see the attached screen shot for further detail.
>>> a. Bug #9- Screen Shot #1: Shows when the Reload is not enabled.
>>> b. Bug #9- Screen Shot #2: After the Load Defaults tab is pressed
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Thank you,
>>> Ankush
>>> ===========================================================================
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: *Judy Tang* <Judy.J.Tang_at_sun.com <mailto:Judy.J.Tang_at_sun.com>>
>>> Date: Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 3:56 PM
>>> Subject: please hold on for filing negative test bugs, thanks :-)
>>> To: sjsu-glassfish-students_at_sun.com
>>> <mailto:sjsu-glassfish-students_at_sun.com>
>>> Hi Everyon,
>>> I got input from developer on too many invalid/dup bugs. Here
>>> is what we should do. Please
>>> give your support. Also please let us know if you have
>>> question/suggestion.
>>> (1) Please do not file negative test bugs in Admin GUI,
>>> Installer, Update tool since most cases are
>>> already reported and when developer fix one place, they most
>>> likely will take care of the
>>> same situation for other places, some time the fix in one place
>>> will address other cases. Just to give
>>> you an example last night and this morning Yifeng and Anissa
>>> processed more than 70 dup/invalid
>>> bugs. This need to stop !
>>> (2) Please try more main functional/positive end to end testing,
>>> when you see any issue, please send
>>> email to quality alias first, SQE and developer will evaluate
>>> the issue and let you know a bug
>>> is needed or not.
>>> It is first time we have so many students testing GlassFish, we
>>> are very happy to have
>>> you here to learn and to help, because this is first time, we
>>> also have a lot lesson to learn together on how
>>> to handle dup/invalid bugs. We will keep improving. With your
>>> help we will :-)
>>> Thanks,
>>> Judy
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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