
Re: (IMPORTANT) please follow bug filing procedure

From: Anissa Lam <Anissa.Lam_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 21:00:37 -0700
Hi Judy,

Thanks very much for communicating developers' concern to SJSU class and coming up with guidelines to improve the process.    Even though there may be frustration,  we understand that students are  spending their valuable times too.   As this is the first time we setup such a program,   lets work together and learn together.  :)


Judy Tang wrote:
I talked with SJSU Professor Gao who has been very supportive.  And we agreed on the following:

Students will use school bug system to report bugs found by negative testing.  If students find
P1/P2 bug from positive testing, they will send email to GlassFish quality alias, SQE and developer
will let them know to log a bug or not.  We really like to see those good P1/P2 bugs filed by
students and we like to encourage students to test deeper and wider to find those good bugs.

I have also communicated with a few students to point out those dup/invalid bugs to them, they
are very welcome to my input and they are working on to improve.  It is true that we don't
have a very good way to query for dup bugs, one area to improve.

As always we appreciate students/community testing GlassFish very much !  A good communication
is the key to make the community testing working.  We welcome your valuable input :-)


Judy Tang wrote:
Thanks Snjezana and Anissa for the valuable input.  And thanks Manfred for the suggestion.

To encourage students learning at the same time not introducing dup/invalid bugs to the system,
I would like students to do the following:

(1) Please do not file negative test bugs in Admin GUI, Installer, Update tool since most cases are
already reported and when developer fix one place, they most likely will take care of the
same situation for other places, some time the fix in one place will address other cases.  Just to give
you an example last night and this morning Yifeng and Anissa processed more than 70 dup/invalid
bugs.  This need to stop !

(2) Please try more main functional/positive end to end testing, when you see any issue, please send
email to quality alias first, SQE and developer will evaluate the issue and let you know a bug
is needed or not.

It is first time we have so many students testing GlassFish, we are very happy to have
you here to learn and to help, because this is first time, we also have a lot lesson to learn together on how
to handling dup/invalid bugs.  We will keep improving.  With your help we will :-)


Manfred Riem wrote:
Hi there,

Maybe the professor should assign a team lead that files
the bugs. So no filing before the team lead has collected


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: (IMPORTANT) please follow bug filing procedure
From: Anissa Lam <Anissa.Lam@Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, April 16, 2009 1:59 pm
To: quality@glassfish.dev.java.net

I second that.  

Please use your common sense when filing bugs.

Last night,  a student filed 43 Admin GUI issues,  all of them are 
either duplicate,  no clear description of what is wrong,  not 
reproducible  or invalid.    It takes both QA and Eng. hours to clean 
that up late last night,  only to find yet another similar batch come in.
Judy has send  several guidelines and there are umbrella bug available 
for adding comments.   PLEASE follow the guidelines.


Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic wrote:
Plea from frustrated and swamped GF engineer:

* Please go through existing bug list before filing your issue. Time I 
am spending evaluating and closing issues which are very obvious 
duplicates of existing issues could be much better used fixing some of 
genuine issues.
* Consider filing umbrella bugs for similar issues or issues that are 
likely to have the same root cause. For instance, if you cannot 
install several packages from Admin GUI, you don't have to file 
separate issue for each one of them.

Thank you.

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