
[SJSU] Update Tool- Menu Properties

From: Bhushan Shah <shah.bhushan_at_ymail.com>
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 16:05:08 -0700 (PDT)

Hi all,

I'm testing on update tool application.
1.) I found that
when I select
the mark all tab first time it will select all the listed thing but
when I clicked that second time it should be disable but here it won't
disable. When all listed things are selected then Mark all should be
disable .
UnMark all working ok.

Path : Update tool --> Edit --> Mark all

In the New image properties when there are more then one repositories
and one of them is selected as set preferences. When we select that
repository again then set preferred tab should disable but here It
won't disable . It should do nothing when click set preferred again.

Path : Update tool--> File --> New Image --> Set preferred

I have attached the screen shots.
Should I file this as
a bug or an enhancement ?