
Text issue with Un-Installation Screen build 44

From: sharvil shah <sharvil_shah2000_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 12:23:34 -0700 (PDT)

         We are using build 44 and  have observed following issue with text on un-installation screen.

Go to home directory where Glassfish application is installed. Click on uninstall.exe. Un-installation will run, and on the Ready to Un-Install Screen you will see text similar to this for few seconds.


We believe that  there should be some other text or the screen should be blank i.e without any text cause the above mentioned text has no relevance with un-installation process.

So can anyone please look into matter and let us know whether it is the intended text for users or it is some mistake or improper text.



(image/jpeg attachment: un-install.jpg)