
Re: [SJSU] Deployment error

From: Yifeng <Yifeng.Luo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 23:58:31 -0700


Are you trying to deploy a war file or trying to do directory deployment?

Would you be able to deploy the same file using CLI command?



Vineet Kothari wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> While I was trying to deploy a PHP/MySQL application over the
> Glassfish Server. I found out this error but not sure it should be
> reported under a bug.
> When I failed to deploy the application I found out the buttons
> "Browse Files" & "Browse Folders" for "Local packaged file or
> directory that is accessible from the Application Server" don't work
> even though it is still selected.
> I am also attaching the screenshot for the error.
> Do let me know your view and it should be reported as bug or not?
> Thanks
> --
> Regards,
> Vineet Kothari
> 248-821-8105
> http://www.vineetkothari.in
> -----
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