
Re: [SJSU] Problem clicking on Links in Ubuntu and MAC OS x

From: Kristian Rink <rink_at_planconnect.de>
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 08:17:55 +0200

Hi all;

anika suri schrieb:
> But, the the links of the SUN privacy policy, the logs, detailed
> report...etc. open only in the Windows machine, not in Linux and MAC
> OS x.

Tested with web-b42-unix.sh on an Ubuntu machine, I am able to reproduce
this problem. None of the hyperlinks on the installers "Summary" page does
anything here.

> Has any one faced the same problem? or can anyone think of a possible
> reason why?

The first thing here coming to my mind is that, eventually, there is
something wrong about the desktop integration of these installers on
non-Windows platforms: I am expecting a click on the link to open up any of
these resources in a system standard browser(?), so eventually the
application doesn't know where this standard browser lives and/or how to
invoke it in order to display anything.

> I thought I should confirm before filing it as a bug.

I eventually would do so. Not sure how severe it actually is and/or whether
it's an actual issue of the installer or "just" an issue of the
configuration of the operating system, but at the very least, while running
the installer from an Unix shell on any of these operating systems, there
should be an error message in such situations; at the moment, tracking this
one down is next to impossible IMHO.

By the way: Good finding. I did go through this installer a hundred of times
already by now and, so far, found I never really bothered clicking any of
these links... :)


Kristian Rink
cell    :  +49 176 2447 2771
business: http://www.planconnect.de
personal: http://pictorial.zimmer428.net
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