
Re: Fwd: some errors

From: Rahul Satasia <imsatasia_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 01:46:22 +0530 (IST)

Hi..! Nagendra and Sankar, The Reason behind Update center Error is: Re-installation of Glassfish. Nagendra may have Un-Installed the glassfish So, his root directory have still some files in there . Then may be he has Re-Installed Glassfish and Opened the Update center, which shows the error (updateerror.jpg), if he opens Available Update. The Reason behind this is Un-Installation of Glassfish and it's root directory which was not completely deleted. I have filed a bug for that: https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=7438   Thank You, Rahul Satasia. ________________________________ From: Sankar Neelakandan <Sankar.Neelakandan@Sun.COM> To: quality@glassfish.dev.java.net; donepudi84@gmail.com Sent: Sunday, 29 March, 2009 11:12:23 AM Subject: Re: Fwd: some errors Hi Nagendra,        How did you login into the domain ?. Did you create a domain using asadmin create-domain command and used user/password ?. If yes then you need to provide the user/password to stop the domain. Fro example if you have used user name as "nagendra" and password as "mypassword" the command should be like this.. asadmin stop-domain --user nagendra --passwordfile password.txt password.txt should have the following entry AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=mypassword -Sankar 5. I logged into the domain as nagendra. My admin console shows "User: nagendra". Now i tried to stop the console and it showed me some error, can you help me with that. the error is given below C:\glassfishv3-prelude\bin>asadmin list-domains Name: domain1 Status: Running Command list-domains executed successfully. C:\glassfishv3-prelude\bin>asadmin stop-domain domain1 com.sun.enterprise.cli.framework.CommandException: Authorization has been refuse d for credentials [user: nagendra] given in this request. (Usually, this means invalid user name and/or password) Command stop-domain failed. C:\glassfishv3-prelude\bin>asadmin stop-domain com.sun.enterprise.cli.framework.CommandException: Authorization has been refuse d for credentials [user: nagendra] given in this request. (Usually, this means invalid user name and/or password) Command stop-domain failed. 6. After completing the installation I tried to install the updates and it showed me an error. Snap shot is attached.(updateerror.jpg) Thanks, Nagendra ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: quality-unsubscribe@glassfish.dev.java.net For additional commands, e-mail: quality-help@glassfish.dev.java.net Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to http://messenger.yahoo.com/invite/