
Re: Admin GUI: Application Server > JVM Settings > General - Save Button

From: Anissa Lam <Anissa.Lam_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2009 18:43:08 -0700
Hi Rahul,
Thanks for testing the GUI so thoroughly.   Please see my comments inline.

Rahul Satasia wrote:
We are testing ADMIN GUI, and we found some GUI problem under following section:
Go to the Application Server > JVM Settings Tab> Genera Tab.
Now, click on "SAVE" button without changing any value in Text-Box,
It will prompt "New Values Successfully Saved" message and "Restart Required" message(Link Button) in the header frame.
My question is,
- Why it shows the message "New Values Successfully Saved"
GUI passes this information to the backend to be stored.   As long as backend doesn't come back with an error,  all the information on the page is considered 'Successfully Saved'.     Maybe we can just say  "Values Successfully Saved"  without the word 'New' :)
and "Restart Required" without changing any value?
After any operation, or actually before GUI refreshes any page,  we inquire backend if  restart is required and display the message if it is.    You can file a bug on this against  'admin'.
- Is it require to RESTART without any change in JVM Settings?
Now, Go to the Application Server > JVM Settings > General:
 - Click on "SAVE" button 5 times ( without changing any Values)
 - Click on : "Restart Required", It will navigate to "Restart Required" page.
 - Click on : "View reasons for requiring a restart", It will shows the table of changed value (It shows same table 5 Times, because I have clicked on "Save"  button 5 times - Is it necessary to show table 5 times?) [See, Restart Required.png]
Again, we display the information accordingly.   You can file a bug against 'admin'.
I have tested this under IE 7, Mozilla v3, Safari beta 4, Windows Vista Business.
Clicking on "View reasons for requiring a restart", shows table as per screenshot ([See, Restart Required.png])
mark that at "Java-Home" and "bytecode-preprocessors" row, it won't shows the border under IE 7, but it was perfect for Mozilla v3, Safari beta 4.
This seems an IE7 issue with the Woodstock component we use.   Maybe you can file a P4 on this.



Thank You,

Rahul Satasia.

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