
Re: Glassfish V3 Prelude - Issues with Admin Console GUI

From: Christopher Kampmeier <Christopher.Kampmeier_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 08:08:22 -0500

For the Update Center 2 project members on this alias, could we have
some clarification as to what is meant by:

"The first 2 is bug in update center client pkg. "


* Do you mean that it's a UC2 Java API issue?

* If so, is it a known and filed issue?

* if so, what is/are the issue/s?

Chris Kampmeier

Anissa Lam wrote:
> Hi Sonali,
> Thanks for specifying clearly what you ran into.
>> Please let us know if we should file bugs for the above issues.
> Yes, please. The first 2 is bug in update center client pkg. You
> have filed #3 and #4 already. Please file #5 as well.
> thanks
> Anissa
> Sonali Goel wrote:
>> Hello,
>> With Glassfish v3 Prelude on Windows XP and Windows Vista, we ran
>> into the following issues:
>> 1. Update Tool -> Configuration -> Internet Connection Through a Proxy
>> Proxy Port validation is inconsistent:
>> Port 65535 is valid
>> Port 65536 is shown as Out of Range
>> Port 65537 is prompted as Invalid Port
>> see UpdateProxy-InvalidCheck-*.jpg
>> 2. Update Tool -> Configuration -> Available Addons
>> When Internet Connection Through a Proxy has a non existant
>> host:port setting, license agreement value is shown as "null" on
>> trying to install any component.
>> see Update-AgreemenNull.jpg
>> 3. Resources -> JDBC -> JDBC Resources -> New
>> Name must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot
>> characters. However, jndi name with special charactrers like #, @, !,
>> are accepted without any errors.
>> see JDBCNew-InvalidJNDI.jpg
>> 4. Resources -> JDBC -> JDBC Resources -> New
>> Trying to add new resource with existing JNDI name results in "Object
>> name cannot be null" instead of "already exists".
>> see JDBCNew-DuplicateJNDI.jpg
>> 5. Configuration -> HTTP Service
>> Access Log Write Interval, which should be in seconds, is not
>> validated. Snapshot shows "bug" as accepted value.
>> see HTTPService-AccessLogInvalidParam.jpg
>> Please let us know if we should file bugs for the above issues.
>> Thanks,
>> Sonali Goel
>> Suchreet Kaur Dhaliwal
>> Rajashree Suresh
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