
b42-web, Linux: updatetool not installable?

From: Kristian Rink <rink_at_planconnect.de>
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 09:30:15 +0100


just downloaded the b42 web distribution (.zip), and, as usually, tried to
initially install the updatetool using the "bin/updatetool" script:

- first attempt failed complaining about "request timeout":

[kr_at_n428 9:20:39] runtime/appservers/glassfishv3/bin> ./updatetool

The software needed for this command (updatetool) is not installed.

If you choose to install Update Tool, your system will be automatically
configured to periodically check for software updates. If you would like
to configure the tool to not check for updates, you can override the
default behavior via the tool's Preferences facility.

When this tool interacts with package repositories, some system information
such as your system's IP address and operating system type and version
is sent to the repository server. For more information please see:


Once installation is complete you may re-run this command.

Would you like to install Update Tool now (y/n): y

Proxy: Using system proxy settings.
Install image: /home/kr/kontext/runtime/appservers/glassfishv3
Installing pkg packages.
IOException: Connection failed: 408: Request Timeout

Could not download application packages. This could be because
a proxy server is needed to access the internet. Please ensure that
the system proxy server settings are correct, or set the 'http_proxy'
environment variable to the full URL of the proxy server.

... by the way we need no proxy here and there also is none set:

[kr_at_n428 9:26:41] runtime/appservers/glassfishv3/bin> echo $http_proxy

- second attempt failed ending in an NPE:

[kr_at_n428 9:26:45] runtime/appservers/glassfishv3/bin> ./updatetool

The software needed for this command (updatetool) is not installed.

If you choose to install Update Tool, your system will be automatically
configured to periodically check for software updates. If you would like
to configure the tool to not check for updates, you can override the
default behavior via the tool's Preferences facility.

When this tool interacts with package repositories, some system information
such as your system's IP address and operating system type and version
is sent to the repository server. For more information please see:


Once installation is complete you may re-run this command.

Would you like to install Update Tool now (y/n): y

Proxy: Using system proxy settings.
Install image: /home/kr/kontext/runtime/appservers/glassfishv3
Installing pkg packages.
Unrecognized exception: null
        at com.sun.pkg.client.FileList.download(FileList.java:129)
        at com.sun.pkg.client.Image$PackagePlan.preexecute(Image.java:719)
        at com.sun.pkg.client.Image$ImagePlan.execute(Image.java:547)
        at com.sun.pkg.client.Image.installPackages(Image.java:1321)
        at com.sun.pkg.bootstrap.Bootstrap._main(Bootstrap.java:211)
        at com.sun.pkg.bootstrap.Bootstrap._main(Bootstrap.java:154)
        at com.sun.pkg.bootstrap.Bootstrap.main(Bootstrap.java:104)

Hmmm... known problem? Should I be worried? :)


Kristian Rink
cell    :  +49 176 2447 2771
business: http://www.planconnect.de
personal: http://pictorial.zimmer428.net
"Past midnight. Never knew such silence.
The earth might be uninhabited..."
//beckett / krapp's last tape//