
Installer feature request

From: Wouter van Reeven <wouter_at_van.reeven.nl>
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2009 18:09:52 +0100

Hi all,

Following the problems reported with installing build 41 on Windows I tried to
install build 41 on Linux (Debian Testing) using the unix installer script. This
goes without any problems :-)

However, using the installer again I ran into an old problem that apparently
still is around. One of the unix UNinstaller scripts uses ksh and, although
available, this shell is not very common on Linux. Modifying the uninstaller
script to use sh instead of ksh fixes the problem. Can anyone explain why ksh
still is used and if this ever will be modified?

Then I have a feature request. With Windows installers commonly the question is
asked if you'd like to create desktop icons, quick launch icons and/or start
menu icons. But the unix installer script doesn't do this. It simply adds a menu
item to my Gnome menu and the name of the menu item is *VERY* long (too long
IMHO) because the whole path to the install dir is in the name of the menu item.
I'd like to file an RFE to include a question in the unix installer process that
asks if a menu item should be created and, if yes, what it's name should be. Any
objections against this?

Thanks, Wouter

There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those that understand
the binary system and those that don't.
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