
Re: ★☆[Glassfish Eclipse Bundle 0.9.1 Test] Bundle Starting Failed

From: Ludovic Champenois <Ludovic.Champenois_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 20:59:37 -0700

On 3/22/09 7:11 PM, Tang Yong wrote:
> Hi Tong Jun,
> Thanks your reply!
> I have resovled the problem by configing the eclipse.ini file.
> XXMaxPermSize256m
> -vmargs
> -Xms40m
> -Xmx256m
> However, I don't konw why my machine appeard the problem, while the others does not?
The main difference I see if the XXMaxPermSize256m.
Our bundle has only XXMaxPermSize128m. and it is not in front of the
other params....
Very strange...
> And I don't know whether or not JVM 1.6 and eclipse 3.4 introduced the problem?...
> --Mike Tang
>> Hi Mike:
>> Please refer to the following URL:
>> http://troyworks.com/blog/2008/06/08/eclipse-jvm-terminated-exit-code-1/
>> they meet the same problem as you, may it will offer some help to you.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Tang Yong [mailto:tangyong_at_cn.fujitsu.com]
>> Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 9:16 AM
>> To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
>> Cc: Judy Tang
>> Subject: ★☆[Glassfish Eclipse Bundle 0.9.1 Test] Bundle Starting Failed
>> Hi Judy, Quality Team,
>> I meet a fatal problem when I begin to test Glassfish Eclipse Bundle.
>> After I install the Glassfish Eclipse Bundle, I clicked the "Glassfish Tools
>> Bundle For Eclipse" on the start menu of windows xp.
>> However, I can not start the eclipse nomally, and a fatal dialog appeard .
>> ->The attachment(Glassfish Eclipse Bundle Start Fail.jpg) is the fatal
>> dialog.
>> Additionally, My test enviroment is as following:
>> OS: Windows XP sp2
>> JVM: Before I begin to test bundle 0.9.1, I have installed JRE/JDK 1.6.0_12.
>> ->★Eclipse Bundle Team,
>> When I meet the above problem, I cannot find the error log and I think that
>> it is not friendly.
>> Could you please confirm the above problems?
>> --Mike Tang