
Re: Bug in build 35 on Linux with JDK6_07

From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 01:31:43 -0800

Sorry about the broken UI earlier -- we had to problems: 1) bad version number in our pom.xml file so we had an old jsftemplating.jar file being used; 2) the new jsftemplating.jar (which wasn't being used) had an infinite loop bug.  Both have been resovled (we hope). ;)

The image below is expected at the point.  We're close to (maybe) moving to a menu-based UI vs. the tree.  A few pages have been updated to test this out... so you'll see a somewhat broken UI temporarily.  If you want to see what it's *supposed* to look like, you can try:


At least I think that URL is correct, I'm doing it from memory b/c I don't have my server up at the moment.  So anyway, if you see some pages with menus at the top, please ignore them for now.  Although feel free to give us your thoughts and ideas about the new UI we're prototyping.



Kristian Rink wrote:
Kristian Rink schrieb:
I just downloaded and started b36.zip and it seems that, by now, admin_gui
is mainly working again except for looking a little strange (see image
attached - worth filing an issue?) 

D'oh, should have actually attached the file... here it comes. :)


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