
Re: jax-ws/metro in v3prelude - builds?

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2009 18:38:44 -0800

Hi Kristian,

This is a very detailed report, looks 2 or 3 issues you ran into. I have
forwarded it to developer to take a look, then would like to get your
help to log bug one by one, we don't want to miss any of your good
catches :-)

Many thanks !

Kristian Rink wrote:
> Folks;
> am experiencing a strange JAX-WS web service related problem in gfv3 b33 at
> the moment: In my project there is a servlet based implementation of a
> JAX-WS web service more or less like this...
> ///snip
> @WebService
> public class FooService{
> // this is an interface...
> private IAccess access
> // obvious getters+setters for IAccess
> public IAccess getAccess()
> {...}
> public void setAccess(IAccess a)
> {...}
> @WebMethod
> public String doSomething()
> {
> return this.getAccess().doSomething();
> }
> }
> ///snip
> This works pretty fine in our "production" gfv2 installment, however in gfv3
> b33 the application fails to get the web service up. Reading the log file it
> seems that JAX-WS/JAXB , in something like
> "mypackage.jaxws.GetAccessReponse._return", that...
> "...IAccess is an interface, and JAXB can't handle interfaces..."
> Well yeah, I know (and cursed ... :) ) about this already way often before,
> this is why I by now explicitely use the @WebMethod annotation on methods
> that should be exposed, relying upon methods not annotated like this
> subsequently not being exposed in the web service. This works fine on gfv2
> but not on recent gfv3 builds it seems... Any way of getting to the point of
> this? Should I file an issue, or is this a known problem?
> Asides this: The gfv2 admin_gui has a "Web Services" section to, well,
> deal/interact with web services which seems missing in gfv3 recent builds.
> Is this feature not there anymore? Is it likely to return anytime soon?
> TIA and all the best to you all,
> Kristian