
gfv3-prelude final build on windows xp

From: Wim Verreycken <wim_at_pizzastop.be>
Date: Sat, 1 Nov 2008 16:32:50 +0100


OS windows xp sp3, jdk1.6.0_06, gfv3 prelude final build


installation :



1 - when selecting "enable updatetool" during installation : a taskbar popup
window asks to "click for applying updates".

This happens before glassfish is fully installed (more specifiacally , the
notification pops up from the taskbar while filling

out the registration form. I do not know if this happen if the user skips
registration. I clicked the taskbar popup when it popped up)

Wouldn't is be better to let "enable updatetool" be one of the last tasks
perfromed by the installer, for updatetool not to interfere

with the installation itself? Or is this of no harm?


2 - while updatetools runs a window appears containing the following text :

Could not refresh display.

Please report the following error to Update Tool 2.0.0 development Team


Application ID: [Update Tool 2.0.0 (Build 15.1269)]

Timestamp : [ Romance Standard Time(Romance Standard Time)]

wx Version : []

wx Platform : [__WXMSW__]

Python Version: [UNKNOWN]

Platform : [UNKNOWN]


Traceback (innermost last):

line 510, in update_image_view

    self._list_generic(imagedir, view)

line 1502, in _list_generic


line 1685, in _list_updates

    if remote and (old_fmri.has_authority() and old_fmri.get_authority() in
remote) or \

 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'has_authority'


on first run :



log attached


C:\glassfishv3-prelude\bin>asadmin start-domain domain1

Domain (domain1) did not respond in 90 seconds. It means it is still coming

or it has failed to come up. Check server.log for details.


but the server is running


(I believe this is known?)


Are these known?



Have a nice day!



