
Re: bug-----when you changed the admin_ui_port from 4848 to others,asadmin ÃüÁîʧЧ

From: Jane Young <Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 00:59:22 -0800

Why is this a bug?
You need to specify "--port 5858". If this option is not specified, it
defaults to 4848.

dinghy wrote:

> descriptions:[ I set the port as 5858]
> D:\server\glassfish-v3-prelude\bin>asadmin set
> server-config.http-service.http-l
> istener.http-listener1.property.jkEnabled=true
> Remote server does not listen for requests on [localhost:4848].
> Is the server up?
> No such local command, set. To run remote commands, start the
> application server
> (e.g. asadmin start-domain).
> Command set failed.
> D:\server\glassfish-v3-prelude\bin>