
Re: GlassFish plugin for Eclipse

From: Ludovic Champenois <Ludovic.Champenois_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 08:00:16 -0800

Wouter van Reeven wrote:
> Hi,
> Would anyone know what the "official" way is to ask questions about GlassFish
> plugins? I have seen several discussions about the Eclipse plugin on this list,
> but there is no mailinglist section at the official homepage
> https://glassfishplugins.dev.java.net/
Not true: see the left menu bar, expand +Project Page and select
"Mailing List" menu item

> Do I need to contact Ludovic directly?
Never do that (or only if you want to send me cash:-), we are an open
community, nothing to hide or to go private.
> Or would it be enough to file my RFE (to
> be able to clean the GlassFish Log Viewer window in Eclipse) here?
File bugs, file RFE, this ia at the end the best communication way (even
better than maiing lists)
> Thanks, Wouter van Reeven

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