
RE: [FishCAT] Survey time, please let us know your thoughts, thanks very much !

From: Captain Jack Sparrow <xbl08325_at_nifty.com>
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2008 11:37:58 +0900

Hi Judy

Long time no see you.
Thanks to all of you that my wife became fine.

Let's just start with, answering the questions below:

> (1) What functions you like about GlassFish v3 Prelude, and what you
> like to see improvement
Update Canter

> (2) What things you like about FishCAT, and what you like to see
> improvement
Anybody can join this program from all of the world.

> (3) Besides participating in GlassFish Beta testing, what other things
> you would like to do to contribute to GlassFish quality ?
Testing for localized product of GlassFish v3 prelude and any involved equipments.

> (4) Optional, please tell us your most fun memory about FishCAT program
Conversation with the member of FishCat on the "skype".

> (5) Will you continue with FishCAT program and would you recommend it to
> your friends and ask them to join us
Yes I will! I'm asking my friends.

Now I'm trying to use "Sun xVM VirtualBox" on the Mac OS X "Tiger".
It's very nice product! I fun it.

Thanks a lot

> Hi All,
> We had a very successful GlassFish Community Acceptance Testing V1
> program. Would like do a quick survey to collect
> your valuable input by answering the following questions and send it to
> glassfishquality_at_sun.com. Many thanks :-)
> (1) What functions you like about GlassFish v3 Prelude, and what you
> like to see improvement
> (2) What things you like about FishCAT, and what you like to see
> improvement
> (3) Besides participating in GlassFish Beta testing, what other things
> you would like to do to contribute to GlassFish quality ?
> (4) Optional, please tell us your most fun memory about FishCAT program
> (5) Will you continue with FishCAT program and would you recommend it to
> your friends and ask them to join us
> http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=FishCATSurvey
> Thanks,
> Judy