
Re: Announcing FishCAT, a community Beta program -- results and thank you card to FishCAT members !

From: Miroslav Nachev <miro_at_space-comm.com>
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2008 10:48:07 +0200


One idea related with OSGi based EAR (all JARs are OSGi Bundles) deployment?
If you are interested I can start working on that idea?
For example the content in one OSGi based EAR file will be:
1. Core Java EE Application:
    1.1. One or more EJB bundles. It is good all interfaces to be separated
from the implementation in different bundles.
    1.2. One Web Application Bundle (JAR file)
    1.3. One Java Web Start (JWS) Application Bundle (JAR file)
2. Libraries:
    2.1. Zero or many libraries represented as bundles. For example
Hibernate, Apache, JDBC Drivers, etc.

It is good the Swing application (JWS) to be started in some OSGi Framework
which to retrive from the Server or another place signed Bundles (JARs).
This will require some changes in Java Network Launch Protocol (JNLP)
because the 1st action MUST be downloading of OSGi Framework (if this is a
part of JDK7 then this part will be skipped) and then to download and
install all bundles from which the main application bundles depends. As
repository for bundles can be used:
1. The Server from where the application is started
2. Maven Repositories
3. OSGi Bundle Repository (OBR)


On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 10:23 AM, Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_sun.com> wrote:

> Hi Kristian,
> Yes, we will continue building GFv3, so testing can continue. We would like
> to get
> community (FishCAT and FishCAT going to be) continue help us to improve
> quality :-)
> Thanks,
> Judy
> Kristian Rink wrote:
> Hi Judy;
> Judy Tang schrieb:
> [...]
> We look forward to have more community members join FishCAT program [2],
> [3] to improve GlassFish quality together with us.
> Will FishCAT, then, continue to exist even after GFv3 Prelude being
> released? How are things supposed to continue now - heading forward to
> "full" GFv3? Surely looking forward to seeing things to come...
> All the best,
> Kristian