
Re: How to deploy two WebApp on GF v2?

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2008 18:44:26 -0700

Hi Jan,

Thank you so much for pointing out the root cause. This is just great !

Hi dinghy,

If you have not filed issue before, please click the link below and look
for FAQ A.1
Thanks again for reporting this Tomcat compatibility issue to us. Would
like to ask community report issues to us if one app works in Tomcat
but not in GlassFish. We will fix or doc it.


Jan Luehe wrote:

> Hi Judy,
> On 10/22/08 01:08 PM, Judy Tang wrote:
>> dinghy said he tested the same two apps on Tomcat 6, They worked okay..
>> Tomcat 6 will create separate jdbc file at
>> ${tomcat-home}\conf\Catalina\localhost.
>> He also sent server.log and jvm.log.
>> I feel if the same apps work in Tomcat, not in GlassFish, then we
>> should file a
>> bug and look into it, either fix or doc it. Any thought please ?
> The error is related to incomplete support for Tomcat's context.xml
> configuration
> in GlassFish.
> Thanks, dinghy, for attaching your server.log, which contains this
> exeption:
> java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: No such accessible method:
> addWatchedResource() on object: com.sun.enterprise.web.WebModule
> It looks like dinghy's webapp bundles a context.xml file containing a
> WatchedResource
> declaration, which triggers a call to
> StandardContext.addWatchedResource(), which
> is defined in Tomcat, but not in GlassFish.
> We need to port support for it to GlassFish.
> dinghy, can you please file an enhancement request?
> Thanks,
> Jan
>> Thanks,
>> Judy
>> Judy Tang wrote:
>>> Hi dinghy :-)
>>> Would you please send the server.log to see what error it is when
>>> the second app failed to run ? I think
>>> you use Tomcat, right, may be you can help us try the same thing on
>>> Tomcat see what happen, just a
>>> suggestion if you have time.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Judy
>>> dinghy wrote:
>>>> I have two WebApp using two different jdbc config.
>>>> 1.I set up two sperate jdbc connections
>>>> 2.I deploy two app to GF v2.
>>>> 3.only the first WebApp deployed runs okay.
>>>> 4.the other one failed to start.
>>>> Thanks,waiting for your suggestions
>>>> Better not create the new domain on gf...
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