
Re: How to deploy two WebApp on GF v2?

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2008 16:39:16 -0700

Hi Judy,

On 10/22/08 01:08 PM, Judy Tang wrote:
> dinghy said he tested the same two apps on Tomcat 6, They worked okay..
> Tomcat 6 will create separate jdbc file at
> ${tomcat-home}\conf\Catalina\localhost.
> He also sent server.log and jvm.log.
> I feel if the same apps work in Tomcat, not in GlassFish, then we
> should file a
> bug and look into it, either fix or doc it. Any thought please ?

The error is related to incomplete support for Tomcat's context.xml
in GlassFish.

Thanks, dinghy, for attaching your server.log, which contains this exeption:

java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: No such accessible method:
  addWatchedResource() on object: com.sun.enterprise.web.WebModule

It looks like dinghy's webapp bundles a context.xml file containing a
declaration, which triggers a call to
StandardContext.addWatchedResource(), which
is defined in Tomcat, but not in GlassFish.

We need to port support for it to GlassFish.

dinghy, can you please file an enhancement request?



> Thanks,
> Judy
> Judy Tang wrote:
>> Hi dinghy :-)
>> Would you please send the server.log to see what error it is when the
>> second app failed to run ? I think
>> you use Tomcat, right, may be you can help us try the same thing on
>> Tomcat see what happen, just a
>> suggestion if you have time.
>> Thanks,
>> Judy
>> dinghy wrote:
>>> I have two WebApp using two different jdbc config.
>>> 1.I set up two sperate jdbc connections
>>> 2.I deploy two app to GF v2.
>>> 3.only the first WebApp deployed runs okay.
>>> 4.the other one failed to start.
>>> Thanks,waiting for your suggestions
>>> Better not create the new domain on gf...
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