
Re: New version of Eclipse plugin for glassfish published (v1.0.12)

From: Ludovic Champenois <Ludovic.Champenois_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2008 07:42:53 -0700

Survivant 00 wrote:
> sorry.. the tab is not called process.. it's DEBUG.
> the problem is not directly related to GF.
> #1 - when we do stop in the debug, it should stop GF.. but it doesn't
> (to prove that..simple.. click on the red stop icon. it will say
> that GF is closed.. open a browser.. and enter the URL of your webapp,
> and GF will still response.
Will look into that. Thanks for the test case.
> that will explain why the process is locked.
> so GF has to be killed.
> #2 - when I do a clean.. I would expect that Eclipse tell GF to
> install a clean copy of the webapps. but it doesn't do that. Like
> you said in a previous post.. We need to undeploy it, and redeploy it.
Not sure about that.Clean is for the built artifacts and not for the
deployed artifacts. Would you start GF (if not started) in order to
force undeploy when you clean a project? Did you try with other server
plugins in Eclipse? I did not see an WTP api to hook the clean action to
the undeploy action.

You can also enable the automatic publishing with an publish timeout of
0 (in the server editor, top right corner). This will trigger an
autmoatic deployment whenever built artifacts changed in your project,
including new artifacts created after a clean build. Try it, it might do
what you are looking for. It is very useful for projects that take a
short time to redeploy (i.e not sure about projects using the Spring
framework that apparentely takes forever to re-initialize at redeploy time)

> 2008/10/20 Ludovic Champenois <Ludovic.Champenois_at_sun.com
> <mailto:Ludovic.Champenois_at_sun.com>>
> Survivant 00 wrote:
> check at the message named :
> GF doesn't unlock files with GFpluggins.
> Sorry, the 2 images did not help me to understand the issue, and
> still do not.
> The first one refers to a generic process called java.exe (so I
> don't know if it is eclipse, glassfish or another java vm)
> The seconds show that Eclipse believes GF is not running ( I guess
> from the debug process being seen as terminated).
> Finally, your comment "I did a stop in the process tab, and GF
> still have the locks." seems to imply that even if we do a stop in
> the process tab (stop what?) GF is stil running? Where is the
> process tab?
> Ludo
> I put two screenshots
> 2008/10/20 Ludovic Champenois <Ludovic.Champenois_at_sun.com
> <mailto:Ludovic.Champenois_at_sun.com>
> <mailto:Ludovic.Champenois_at_sun.com
> <mailto:Ludovic.Champenois_at_sun.com>>>
> Survivant wrote:
> thanks.
> but is't still wierd that the app server still keep the
> lock
> even if I stop GF from Eclipse.
> So you are in a state where the GF is really stopped, and
> you have
> a lock file from this stopped process?
> Ludo
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