
Re: wait time for GFv3 startup

From: Ludovic Champenois <Ludovic.Champenois_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2008 08:54:17 -0700

Ajit Kamble wrote:
> Below is the bits location
> http://uc2-bldsvr.sfbay.sun.com:8080/job/websynergy1.0/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/websynergy/portal/trunk/install/dist/websynergy-gfv3.zip
> Just unzip and start GFv3

Instead of doing this bundle with wars in the autodeploy dir, why don't
you pre-deploy the app, and then zip the preconfigured domain with the
v3 runtime?
1/ this will speed start-up
2/ this will reduce overall size of an installation+run (no copies of
the war content at the end in both autodeploy and applications/ directories)
In fact, you could even rename the 'domain1' to 'websynergy' and deliver
it as a predeployed, portable domain.
I also see many websynergy exceptions in the server log file.
Finally, it might be a good idea to try the latest promoted v3 prelude
build, instead of an old SNAPSHOT from 10/3.

 From the log files, deployement times are:

|Deployment of websynergy done is 67157 ms
Deployment of tunnel-web done is 1859 ms
Deployment of facebookportlet done is 570 ms
Deployment of blogportlet done is 3026 ms
Deployment of friendsportlet done is 862 ms
Deployment of chat-portlet done is 2630 ms
Deployment of plaxoportlet done is 564 ms
Deployment of linkedinportlet done is 446 ms
Deployment of profileportlet done is 577 ms
Deployment of rubytrafficportlet done is 3607 ms
Deployment of saw-web done is 4355 ms
Deployment of sun-enterprise-theme done is 422 ms
Deployment of sun-iframe-portlet done is 369 ms
Deployment of twitterportlet done is 285 ms
Deployment of weatherportlet done is 536 ms
Deployment of widget-consumer-portlet done is 475 ms
Deployment of websynergyinfoportlet done is 339 ms
Deployment of wol-portlet done is 9150 ms
Deployment of workflow-portlet done is 1125 ms

My Mac can do this in less than 90 seconds, but obvioulsy,
websynergy.war takes 67s to deploy, I guess because of its very big lib
content for this app (jabx, stax, hibernate, spring, xerces, xalan,
freechart, rhino, soap, xml-api, jdom, j2ee-management (sic? why? ), ....)

all jars that could be located outside the war content and in the v3
prelude lib area... (yes, the war would not be portable, but
deployment/redeployment would be much much faster).

Tim: can we break doing the deployment time to see if this is the copy
of the large lib jars inside the war that takes most of the deployment
time? I would guess so.


> Thanks
> Ajit
> Jerome Dochez wrote:
>> Ajit
>> Could you point to the version of websynergy your are deploying, I am
>> quite curious about what is being done that requires more than 2
>> minutes deployment time.
>> thanks, jerome
>> Ajit Kamble wrote:
>>> Hi ,
>>> After executing ./asadmin start-domain in GFv3 it ideally waits for
>>> 90 secs which is predefined. But for project websynergy we want this
>>> to be more by default ( around 2 mins) otherwise below message is on
>>> the terminal which is misleading.
>>> /asadmin start-domain
>>> Domain (domain1) did not respond in 90 seconds. It means it is still
>>> coming up
>>> or it has failed to come up. Check server.log for details.
>>> So, wanted to know the location where it is configurable ?
>>> Thanks
>>> Ajit
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