
Re: Presentation proposal for DeVoxx

From: Miroslav Nachev <miro_at_space-comm.com>
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2008 09:17:35 +0300


Why Sailfin is separated from GlassFish? Is that some commercial/marketing
issue or this is because some technical/technological problems? If the
reason is technical are there any plans in the future v3 of GlassFish
Sailfin to be part as OSGi bundle?


On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 9:07 AM, Sudhir Prabhu <Sudhir.Prabhu_at_sun.com>wrote:

> Hi Wouter,
> Excellent! Just a couple of suggestions.
> 1. If you could show the demo with NB that would be great.
> 2. Talk briefly about the roadmap of GF with one slide.
> 3. Also if you could mention Sailfin in one slide that would be great too.
> 4. Last but not the least mention about GF Quality Community and how people
> can get themselves involved. For example FishCAT and
> http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=ProjectIdeas
> Thanks
> Sudhir
> Wouter van Reeven wrote:
>> Hi,
>> In December the Belgian Java Users Group will organize DeVoxx (formerly
>> known as
>> JavaPolis). DeVoxx is the largest independent Java conference in the
>> world. I
>> have submitted a proposal for a presentation about GlassFish v3. The
>> deadline is
>> on Wednesday, October 15 so I still have some time to make corrections to
>> my
>> proposal. If anyone cares to give me some feedback, please feel free to do
>> so.
>> I have based the proposal on my own interests and my ability to prepare
>> demos.
>> The porposal is composed of a summary and an abstract. Thanks in advance
>> for any
>> feedback you have.
>> Greets, Wouter
>> Summary: Ever since GlassFish was first launched in June 2005, it has
>> evolved
>> into much more than just an Open Source application server for Java EE
>> (5).
>> Using add-ons like OpenSSO, Hudson, Metro and OpenESB, GlassFish has
>> become a
>> robust and highly scalable application server for Java EE5, continuous
>> integration, SOA and BPEL.
>> With Java EE 6 on its way, the GlassFish team are working hard keep
>> GlassFish up
>> to date with the still changing specifications that will eventually lead
>> to Java
>> EE 6. However, the first builds of GlassFish v3 are already being tested
>> in the
>> so called FishCAT program, which the presenter has participated in.
>> The presentation will give an overview of GlassFish, it's goals for Java
>> EE 6, a
>> summary of some of the specifications that Java EE 6 will be composed of
>> and
>> will show a few demo's of code that has been built on these
>> specifications.
>> Abstract: An historic overview of GlassFish
>> A summary of GlassFish core and components
>> A summary of JSRs for Java EE 6
>> - JSF 2.0
>> - EJB 3.1
>> - RESTfull web services
>> OSGi support in GlassFish v3
>> Demo's of JSF 2.0, EJB 3.1, REST and OSGi.
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