
Re: unix .sh installer: product registration error message?

From: Siraj Ghaffar <Siraj.Ghaffar_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2008 06:33:47 -0700

So you need proxies when working from home? I don't think there is a way
to specify proxies when using installer, and that could be a problem.

Kristian Rink wrote:
> Folks;
> Nolan Luu schrieb:
>> Could you let us know in the bug report if you're able to register or
>> not using GFv3 B28's Admin Console?
> I so far have kept myself from filing an issue as I will have to figure out
> what's exactly causing this behaviour... even though here (at work)
> registering gfv3 via the installer reproducibly (multiple host, different
> operating systems) fails whereas registering v2 works, yesterday in the
> evening (at home) gfv3 smoothly installed and registered without second
> thought. So it seems a network-related issue, though I have no clue what
> exactly could be causing this. More to report back as soon as I do know
> more... :/ Sorry for the mess-up.
> Cheers,
> Kristian