
Re: Joomla on Glassfish b20

From: Survivant <survivant00_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2008 18:52:46 -0400

In fact I'm sure that it will works with Dupral, Wordpress too.

you can save a step.

#1 - unwar JavaBridge or Quercus (.war)
#2 - unzip your php application in the folder generated #1.
#3 - deploy it with asadmin deploydir "path" (not sure of the syntax
yet.. I didn't try it yet)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Davis Nguyen" <Davis.Nguyen_at_Sun.COM>
To: <survivant00_at_gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 6:41 PM
Subject: Re: Joomla on Glassfish b20

> Hi Survivant,
> I'm following your instruction and there are steps below which I'm clear.
> Can you help?
> 1. "Extract the file JavaBridge.war (Follow the same procedure for
> Quercus)"
> Can you point me to the Quercus Procedure page for Glassfish
> server?
> 2. "Now copy the files and folders that are in the root of your Joomla
> site." Where is Joomla site? I only see php-java-bridge_5.2.2_j2ee
> directory after extracted the the php-java-bridge_5.2.2_j2ee.zip file
> Thanks,
> -davis
> Survivant 00 wrote:
>> Hello. I just try the CMS Joomla (PHP) on Glassfish b20. Working
>> perfectly for me.
>> here a link of the article that I wrote.
>> http://sebastiendionne.ca/glassfish/joomla-on-glassfish.html
>> It not the optimal way to install it, but it works without hassle. I try
>> with the php dll with Tomcat, but got trouble with the latest release of
>> php that doesn't contains the servlet jars, so I couldn't test it with
>> Glassfish. Will try again when b21 will be release.