
Re: [Fwd: Re: [Fwd: Some Tests With Netbeans]]

From: Adam Bien <abien_at_adam-bien.com>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2008 21:16:56 +0200

Thanks to everyone - exactly this makes the difference between Netbeans
/ GF and "the others" :-),

thanks again - I will test it,

Judy Tang schrieb:
> Thanks Peter. A detailed email like this takes a lot of time to write
> and it will safe a lot more time for every one !
> Judy
> Peter Williams wrote:
>> I pushed a change yesterday that enables V3 support for EJB Module
>> projects in NetBeans via a system property.
>> It didn't make the 8/26 nightly build, but continuous builds
>> (available here: http://deadlock.netbeans.org/hudson/job/trunk/ )
>> numbered 3578 onward support this property. The latest blue build
>> (#3586) looks like a good candidate:
>> http://deadlock.netbeans.org/hudson/job/trunk/3586/artifact/nbbuild/dist/zip/
>> Or you can wait until tomorrow and grab the 8/27 nightly build from
>> here: http://bits.netbeans.org/download/trunk/nightly/latest/
>> You must use update center to add the ejb container to V3 of course
>> (current NB code won't check to verify you did, so you'll get
>> deployment errors if you forget to do this).
>> My experience with the EJB container available for V3 Build 20 (last
>> week's build) was rather poor. Mahesh indicated that V3 Build 21
>> should be resolve most or all of the issues I saw, but remember, this
>> is container is under active development, pre-alpha quality, so such
>> problems are to be expected.
>> Anyway to enable this in NetBeans once you have a supported build,
>> add "-J-Dglassfish.javaee.ejbsupport.enable=true" to the
>> netbeans_default_options property in your $nbinst/etc/netbeans.conf
>> file or add it to the command line you start NetBeans with.
>> I'll see what I can do about a UI checkbox soon.
>> -Peter
>> Adam Bien wrote:
>>> Peter,
>>> when will be this feature available?
>>> I will file a feature request - too important to be forgotten :-),
>>> regards,
>>> adam
>>> Peter Williams schrieb:
>>>> Adam Bien wrote:
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> "...direct ejb project support will be in NB 7.0. ..."
>>>>> this is in my opinion for many projects not acceptable. I'm using
>>>>> Netbeans 6.0 with direct EJB support and GF v2 at least in 5
>>>>> (concurrent) projects for bigger companies in Germany / Europe.
>>>>> Some of the projects are Netbeans RCP / Eclipse RCP based -
>>>>> without web layer.
>>>> We discussed EJB to some degree when planning V3 plugin features
>>>> for NetBeans 6.5. Resources and development schedule for NetBeans
>>>> 6.5 were very tight and the EJB container is planned to be only
>>>> alpha quality when GlassFish V3 Prelude is released (while the web
>>>> container is going to be FCS quality and supported).
>>>> So, since nicely exposing optional downloadable server features in
>>>> NetBeans was a new feature that we didn't have sufficient time to
>>>> get right, we opted to disable EJB module support entirely.
>>>> Enabling EJB module support in the V3 plugin is actually just a few
>>>> lines of code. It occurred to me this afternoon that I could add a
>>>> checkbox to the V3 server properties panel in NetBeans that would
>>>> allow you to enable this, assuming you'd already manually installed
>>>> the ejb container via update center. e.g. something like this:
>>>> [ ] Enable support for EJB Modules - experimental. (Warning:
>>>> must manually install ejb container via Update Center)
>>>> Or something like that. Default this to off and if you enable it
>>>> you get a message box telling you that it's experimental and to
>>>> download the container (if not already there), hit ok, and you're off.
>>>> What do you think? Would this be helpful?
>>>> -Peter
>>>>> No direct EJB 3 support could hurt the GF v3 or Netbeans 6.5
>>>>> adoption.
>>>>> I would go even further and provide support for embedded testing
>>>>> of EJB 3.1...
>>>>> This would be another "killer feature",
>>>>> regards,
>>>>> adam
>>>>> Shreedhar Ganapathy schrieb:
>>>>>> Hi Adam
>>>>>> Here's Peter's response.
>>>>>> Some answers inline.
>>>>>> -Peter
>>>>>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>>>>>> Subject: Some Tests With Netbeans
>>>>>>> Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2008 15:38:01 +0200
>>>>>>> From: Adam Bien <abien_at_adam-bien.com>
>>>>>>> Reply-To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
>>>>>>> To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>> I just added b20 into Netbeans 6.5 and Vista Ultimate - some
>>>>>>> observations:
>>>>>>> 0. I installed GF b20 and added it into NB. It was visible first
>>>>>>> after restart of NB in the services tab.
>>>>>>> 1. The installation of the admin-console from NB works perfectly.
>>>>>>> 2. Update center cannot be invoked from Netbeans - see screenshot.
>>>>>> If this is 6.5 beta, known bug, fixed by me last week. V3 B20
>>>>>> onward renamed the launcher on windows from .bat to .exe extension.
>>>>>>> 3. I'm not able to add EJB 3.1 support for b20 with updatetool.
>>>>>>> For b15 it works. (screenshot attached)
>>>>>>> 4. I'm not able to deploy EJBs from Netbeans 6.5 into GF v3b15.
>>>>>>> GF v3 just do not show up in the "Run" menu
>>>>>> Are you trying to create an EJB module project and target V3?
>>>>>> This is not supported by the plugin yet. What you can do is
>>>>>> create EJB's inside a web app directly (Session beans at least
>>>>>> for right now, not sure about MDB's.) Direct ejb project support
>>>>>> will be in NB 7.0.
>>>>>> -Peter
>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>> adam
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