
Glassfish V3 Prelude - build 17 quality report

From: Alex Pineda <Alex.Pineda_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2008 11:17:39 -0700

Glassfish users,

Build 17 was announced recently and can be accessed at

A test cycle has been completed and the results are:
    * Installer
          o Windows 2008 installation pass. Encountered Updatetool
problem ( IT# 5440)
    * Admin GUI
          o Executed sanity test. 100% pass
    * GF Core:
          o JSF: 90% of the tests failed (IT# 5365)
          o Several tests (Tomcat, JDBC, Deployment) failed to execute
due to a start timing issue (the log file
              says Server started, but the Server is not up and
running. Saw similar issue prior to TP2 release.
              Somewhat of a regression). Report has been filed (IT#
    * JRuby:
          o 60% of the tests failed due to a deployment issue ( IT#

    * V3 Prelude platforms Tested as of date:
          o Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 2008
          o Solaris 10 Sparc & x86
          o RH 5.0 & RH 4.0
          o MacOS 10.4