
Re: logging in gfv[2|3]?

From: Jerome Dochez <Jerome.Dochez_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 14:44:51 -0700

(moved to dev list)

Hi Kristian

you can do that today by adding a handler in the logging.properties
handlers list, your handler would then be invoked automatically for
all logger messages and would be able to sort out which ones it want
to log in a different file.

would that not be enough ?


On Aug 25, 2008, at 11:16 PM, Kristian Rink wrote:

> Folks;
> maybe this is something I'm overly sensitive about, but as this pops
> up once
> and a while again also on the glassfish mailing list: Are there, in
> gfv3, so
> far any attempts to provide a way for doing application logging to
> different
> log files?

> Rationale: So far I see many people (like me) comin' from a tomcat/
> log4j
> environment dealing with the details of logging in glassfish to
> figure out
> how to (as they are kind of used to) have logging output easily
> dumped to
> different log files, at the very best accessible through the
> glassfish web
> administration console. Unfortunately, considering responses to these
> queries on the mailing list, it seems either no one so far knows or
> no one
> has bothered trying yet. In the end, people keep on deploying
> applications
> bundled with log4j to glassfish for the sake of having their logging
> done to
> custom files, accepting then that the log output generated is not
> that well
> accessible through the web console. In most situations however,
> simply being
> able to
> - define custom loggers along with targets where to dump their output
> (specific log files, e-mail addresses, remote syslogs,
> whatever, ...) and
> - being able to, along with the logging level (as it already is
> possible
> now) also select a custom "logger" to be used for a given class /
> package
> through the web administration console would provide quite a relief
> for all
> these sub-optimal workarounds. What do you think? Worth filing an
> RFE? Or
> just a problem affecting "minorities", not of general interest?
> Personally,
> I also would use such a feature as I consider having _all_ logging
> dumped to
> server.log rather inconvenient yet configuring JDK logging
> unfortunately is
> not as straightforward as could be...
> Thanks for any comments and best regards,
> Kristian
> --
> Kristian Rink
> cell : +49 176 2447 2771
> business: http://www.planconnect.de
> personal: http://pictorial.zimmer428.net
> "we command the system. calling all recievers.
> we are noisy people for a better living".
> (covenant - "monochrome")
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