
GlassFish adoption in China

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2008 15:26:26 -0700

Hi All,

Would like to share GlassFish adoption in China story with you. And you
can help to do do the same in your part of world !

In May Satya helped me to connect with Mimi regarding promote GlassFish
Quality Community in China.
We then got 7 people volunteered from different teams, China Marketing
(Ada), GlassFish developer (Jiandong, Anissa),
GlassFish Globalization SQE (Ming, Jim, Leon) and GlassFish SQE (Judy),
to promote Glassfish in the Greater China area.

Achievement we made so far:

(1) Lunched Chinese GlassFish Portal which got featured in the Aquarium.
This portal will serve as the foundation for building
Chinese GF community. We got help from Eduardo and Alexis, would like to
say thank you for the guidance..

(2) Restarted the Aquarium Chinese blog, it got 1300+ hits in half day,
it reached sun's popular blogs list. We plan to keep it in sync
with the Aquarium.

(3) Promote GlassFish in major Chinese Java web sites, to give you an
example one blog I wrote got 2000+ hit in one weekend.

In summary we see a great potential of GlassFish adoption in China. We
have a good start and will continue. And we like to get
support from you all !
