
Re: Customer cannot see webservice in the admin console

From: Anissa Lam <Anissa.Lam_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2008 14:47:23 -0700

Siraj can confirm since he owns web service managment, but i also
believe it needs to be JSR 109 compliance. Admin console displays the
web services based on WebServiceEndpoint mbean. To confirm whether the
app. is detected as web services, the customer can use jconsole to see
if there is WebServiceEndpoint mbeans created.
Another way is by using CLI list-component command.

%asadmin> list-components
hello <web-module>
AddNumbersService <web-module>
AddNumbersService#AddNumbers <webservice>
Command list-components executed successfully.

You will see that AddNumberService.war is detected as webservice, and
the web service endpoint is 'AddNumbers'. You should be able to see
that in the admin console as well.


Jerome Dochez wrote:
> my guess is that they are not using JSR109 style of web services and
> the console cannot detect the Servlet style of web services. Anissa,
> can you confirm ?
> jerome
> On Jul 9, 2008, at 8:33 AM, Aditya Dada wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was just speaking with a customer who's trying out GlassFish for
>> deployment. They ran into an issue with webservice deployment not
>> showing up in the admin console.
>> They're following steps listed in the guide:
>> http://developers.sun.com/appserver/reference/techart/ws_mgmt.html#2
>> and after deploying the sample app, they couldn't see the webservices
>> app under the webservices section, even though the webservice which
>> was deployed as a war and as an ear works fine.
>> The customer is using jdk 1.6, community GF v2ur2 b04 build on
>> Windows xp.
>> Does anyone know what may be going on?
>> Thanks,
>> Aditya
>> --
>> Aditya Dada
>> Software Engineer
>> Sun Java Application Server and Social Software for Glassfish
>> Sun Microsystems, Inc.
>> US
>> Phone x49494/+1 408 834 4949
>> Fax (408)834-4949
>> Email Aditya.Dada_at_Sun.COM
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