
RE: Problem facing regarding Glassfish version: V3 tp2

From: dinghy dhyana <dinghy_at_live.com>
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2008 02:04:33 -0700

First of all,can you tell me whether i could close the [auto deploy] function on GlassFish V2,i struggled to find it for my product environment but failed.
I thought it's the attribute [directory-deployed].
Secondly,I really want to know more about load balancer plugin for apache http server.You see,on glassfish v2,when we fix the lb-plugin ,we can see the load balancer options and create a loadbalancer for our Apps in Cluster or Server,
the loadbalancer attribute Administrator Port seems amusing because we can set it as default 8888 if we use the Sun Web Server while we don't know how to set it when we try the apache http server,which is open-source.
Third,yesterdays, i and my brothers used apche & tomcat to improve apps' performance.In the suite,apche http server take an action as Static Html Processing Strengthening,even though I will probably not decide to use Load Balancing for my Apps,
then,from the point,I want to know whether AHS(Apache Http Server) and GlassFish may communicate smoothly without the loadbalancer plugin.
thanks ,my dear friend
dinghy for dhyana

Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2008 00:33:47 -0700From: Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COMTo: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.netSubject: Re: Problem facing regarding Glassfish version: V3 tp2
Hi Ashok,Welcome to GlassFish Quality Community. Thanks for trying GlassFish V3.I think you are very close to see the "hello", could you please take a look at the server.log file, you may find the root causes there. The server.log file isunder your domain directory under logs directory. *note* _The full stack traces of the exception and its root causes are available in the GlassFish/v3 logs._Thanks,JudyASHOK MADDY wrote:
Hi , i am trying glassfish v3, and i am stuck up with a problem , which i have explained as follows , i started DB server , those commands and it came succesfull, and the next step also i did , i mean opening the Using the Administration Console GUI ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I opened it , logged into it, and followed the steps and was succesful in opening, but in this step Deploying and Undeploying Applications ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ here 3 steps are given na to execute , among that i followed the second i,e * From the Admin Console GUI and i downloaded hello.war sample file available at http://glassfish.dev.java.net/downloads/quickstart/hello.war. and from below that they have given some 9 points, i selected the one to run thru GUI (glassfish) i,e To Deploy an Application From the Admin Console GUI ok , and under this command, the steps given are as follows To Deploy an Application From the Admin Console GUI 1. *Open the Admin Console GUI by typing the following URL in a browser window:* *http://localhost:8080/admin/* 2. *Click the Applications node in the tree on the left.* The node expands to display the Web Applications subnode. 3. *Click the Web Applications subnode.* The Web Applications page is displayed. 4. *Click Deploy.* The Deploy Enterprise Applications/Modules page is displayed. 5. *Select “Packaged file to be uploaded to the server,” if it is not already selected, and then click Browse.* 6. *Navigate to the location in which you saved the hello.war sample, and then click Open.* You are returned to the Deploy Enterprise Applications/Modules page. 7. *Specify a description in the Description field; for example, hello.* 8. *Accept the other default settings, and click OK.* You are returned to Web Applications page. 9. *Display the sample application by typing the following URL in a browser window:* *http://localhost:8080/hello/* * *Alternatively, click the Launch link on the Web Applications page in the Admin Console GUI.* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ok till 9th command i followed everything as told and it worked, but when i run the file, i mean when i click the launch link as they told i get this error message in the browser yaar, till here i have done, so since this error is coming , i dont know what to do next . i installed jdk also , but i dont know what problem it might be having. HTTP Status 500 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *type* Exception report *message* *description*The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request. *exception* org.apache.jasper.JasperException: PWC6180: Unable to initialize TldLocationsCache *root cause* org.apache.jasper.JasperException: PWC6177: XML parsing error on file file:/C:/Program%20Files/glassfishv3-tp2/glassfish/modules/web/jstl-impl-10.0-tp-2-SNAPSHOT.jar *root cause* org.xml.sax.SAXException: PWC6181: File file:/C:/Program Files/glassfishv3-tp2/glassfish/lib/dtds/web-jsptaglibrary_1_2.dtd not found *note* _The full stack traces of the exception and its root causes are available in the GlassFish/v3 logs._ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GlassFish/v3

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