
Re: [Fwd: Re: *** GlassFish quality web site in Chinese language ***]

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 21:21:16 -0700

对不起,再试一下,要是不行的话就写英文啦 :-)


下面是我们的网站,希望你们都能来参加 quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
在下面这个网站,点击 PARTICIPATE,做完 1 和 2 就行了,谢谢 !


Jasper Liu wrote:

>Hi Judy - for some reason your mail below cannot display properly, can
>you please resend it?
>Judy Tang wrote:
>>??JIM, ?????,?????????????, ???????????????
>>????GFQC???,??PARTICIPATE, ????????????????
>>quality mail alias. ????????,????,?????????????GLASSFISH
>>QUALITY COMMUNITY ??????,?? :-)
>>Jim Jiang wrote:
>>>Hi Judy,
>>>The following are some info mentioned in the meeting:
>>>JiangDong Guo Jiandong.Guo_at_sun.com (GlassFish China Owner, US)
>>>Ada Li Ada.Li_at_sun.com (SDN Java Community Manager, China)
>>>Goey Guo Joey.Guo_at_sun.com (University Manager)
>>>John Jiang John.Jiang_at_Sun.COM(SDN Manager)
>>>Tech events:
>>>Popular tech Sites:
>>>Java Eye (http://www.javaeye.com/)
>>>CSDN (http://csdn.net/)
>>>InfoQ China(http://www.infoq.com/cn)
>>>Jasper Liu wrote:
>>>>-------- Original Message --------
>>>>Subject: Re: *** GlassFish quality web site in Chinese language ***
>>>>Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 13:57:00 -0700
>>>>From: Ming Dong <Ming.Dong_at_Sun.COM>
>>>>Reply-To: Ming.Dong_at_Sun.COM
>>>>To: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
>>>>CC: Jasper Liu <Jasper.Liu_at_Sun.COM>
>>>>References: <48285EB8.5050400_at_sun.com> <48286764.5040501_at_sun.com>
>>>><482869BA.8000503_at_sun.com> <4829A70A.1030408_at_Sun.COM>
>>>><482A2C86.4050104_at_sun.com> <482AEF44.5070602_at_Sun.COM>
>>>><482BF046.8000001_at_sun.com> <482BFC4F.6030305_at_sun.com>
>>>>Hi all,
>>>>Here is the phone nubmer to use:
>>>>US toll-free: 1-866-545-5227
>>>>Internal: x44410
>>>>Int'l: 215-446-3648*
>>>>Part Code: 1873-489
>>>>Talk to you at 6 pm PDT today.
>>>>Judy Tang wrote:
>>>>>Thanks Jasper. I am looking forward to talking with every one.
>>>>>Hi Ming, Would you send the conf call # to use for this meeting ?
>>>>>Jasper Liu wrote:
>>>>>>Hi Judy,
>>>>>>The time is fine with us. Talk to you tomorrow.
>>>>>>Judy Tang wrote:
>>>>>>>Hi Jasper,
>>>>>>>I talked with Ming today and we both can meet at 6:00PM PT
>>>>tomorrow >>> (5/15), will this time work for you ?
>>>>>>>Do please invite any one from your team who would be interested
>>>>in >>> this meeting. I will ask my team too.
>>>>>>>Following are the list of things to go through in this meeting:
>>>>>>>(1) Need to get help on how to reach out Chinese GF community, such
>>>>>>>as links to the GF community web site, people names who can help us
>>>>>>>promote GlassFish Quality Community.
>>>>>>>(2) Would like to find out what conferences in China that we can
>>>>go to
>>>>>>>promote the GlassFish quality community
>>>>>>>(3) Would like to find out how to reach university in China
>>>>>>>Jasper Liu wrote:
>>>>>>>>Hi Judy,
>>>>>>>>My pleasure!
>>>>>>>>How about we schedule a meeting this week or early next week to
>>>>>>>>base on the going-ons on my site, as well as the conceivable
>>>>>>>>resources, partnerships and priorities to promote the GFQC in
>>>>>>>>China? If
>>>>>>>>you like please let me know your preferred time.
>>>>>>>>Judy Tang wrote:
>>>>>>>>>Hi Jasper,
>>>>>>>>>It is so nice to see many GF works have be accomplished in Sun
>>>>>>>>>team. Could I get some help from you. Thanks a lot !
>>>>>>>>>(1) Need to get help on how to reach out Chinese GF community,
>>>>>>>>>as links to the GF community web site, people names who can
>>>>help us
>>>>>>>>>promote GlassFish Quality Community.
>>>>>>>>>(2) Would like to find out what conferences in China that we
>>>>can >>>>> go to
>>>>>>>>>promote the GlassFish quality community
>>>>>>>>>Jasper Liu wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hi Satya,
>>>>>>>>>>Thank you for update, so glad to know the positive feedback
>>>>we >>>>>> received
>>>>>>>>>>on GFQC at JavaONE. We certainly can do something here to
>>>>promote >>>>>> GFQC
>>>>>>>>>>in China.
>>>>>>>>>>I'd like to brief you on the GlassFish community efforts we
>>>>did >>>>>> here in
>>>>>>>>>>- localizing Glassfish blog, The Aquarium, in Chinese and Korean
>>>>>>>>>>- localizing Glassfish project page
>>>>>>>>>>- Wrote and published the book in Chinese - GlassFish --The
>>>>>>>>>>Java EE Application Server. Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart kindly
>>>>wrote >>>>>> preface
>>>>>>>>>>for the book
>>>>>>>>>>- made the video on InfoQ to introduce the GlassFish and JMX
>>>>>>>>>>- gave presentation on GlassFish Day in Beijing
>>>>>>>>>>- all translationed properties files were committed into
>>>>>>>>>>- blogging on Glassfish in Chinese
>>>>>>>>>>The meeting time is not working for me - 5:00am Beijing time.
>>>>But >>>>>> please
>>>>>>>>>>just feel free to contact me for any assistance at your
>>>>>>>>>>convenience, my
>>>>>>>>>>number is x83960.
>>>>>>>>>>Mimi Hills wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hi Satya,
>>>>>>>>>>>No promises yet, but we can certainly look into this!
>>>>Program >>>>>>> Manager
>>>>>>>>>>>Ming Dong and Manager Scott Ng here in the US can put you in
>>>>>>>>>>>with the right folks. Jasper Liu in China may be able to
>>>>tell you a
>>>>>>>>>>>about current GlassFish community efforts in China.
>>>>>>>>>>>Satya Dodda wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hi Mimi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>Thanks a lot for your suggestion to translate GlassFish
>>>>>>>>>>>>Community (GFQC) web site for other languages. I would like to
>>>>>>>>>>>>understand the logistics. We got lots of positive feedback
>>>>at Java
>>>>>>>>>>>>One and about 100 folks signed Sun Contributor Agreements
>>>>to >>>>>>>> donate
>>>>>>>>>>>>tests for GFQC at Java One. I would like to target China
>>>>next >>>>>>>> and I
>>>>>>>>>>>>would like to take your help on this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>What do you think? Please connect us with your China rep
>>>>and we >>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>>>>>take it from there.