

From: samarth rastogi <rastogisamarth85_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 24 May 2008 08:29:57 +0530

i m interested in knowing abt the project : "*Netbeans plugin for web
application testing*"
Project description:
There are various web application testing tools, such as Selenium, Mozilla
Webclient, and Watir in Ruby, that allows one to easily record actions in a
web browser to automate web testing. Some of these will export these actions
to Java code for you, but you still need to copy/paste this code into your
unit tests along with the proper setup/teardown methods. It would be pretty
nice to have a plugin so that one could develop, deploy, and record
web-based unit tests all within the IDE.

So if anyone has any info abt it, please inform me.