
[Fwd: Special GlassFish-related Events during JavaOne Week]

From: Gopal Jorapur <Gopal.Jorapur_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 03 May 2008 13:22:13 -0700

attached mail follows:

Apologies for sending this as a form letter but we are in the rush to
JavaOne and I am pressed for time. Feel free to pass this on to other
people in your group that you think would find it interesting and useful.

    - eduard/o


I'd like to invite you to several GlassFish SPECIAL events in San
Francisco during the JavaOne week.

(1) SUNDAY, May 4th, 3-6pm - Unconference @ Moscone

This is an informal gathering at the Moscone for anything related to
GlasFish. Topics are chosen by attendees using the "unconference"

If possible please record your attendance at the wiki [2] for
(collecive) planning purposes.

(2) SUNDAY, May 4th, 7-10+ - Party @ Thirsty Bear

Informal Party upstairs at the Thirsty Bear (1 block down from the
Moscone) for special friends of GlassFish. Food, drinks, fun,
networking, friends.

An RSVP would be extra nice to be sure we don't run of food, but
please drop by in any case.

(3) MONDAY, May 5th - CommunityOne @ Moscone

All day, free, Community-Focused conference at the Moscone. There are
many GlassFish-related sessions in the program [2]. We will do sneak
previews of the J1 announcements. Jonathan and Rich (and others) to
attend. Ends in a big secret party.

Registration is free but space is limited. Register [3] early if you

(4) TUESDAY, May 6th - 7:30pm Gateway 104 (but check)

Traditional GlassFish BOF (BOF-7900). Ask questions and get answers
:-) Check the schedule for the (usual!) last minute changes [4]



Hope to see you in San Francisco.

     - eduard/o

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