
Sun Summer Project

From: Himanshu Bansal <himanshu.bnsl_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 22:27:13 +0530


We are a team of five students from Department of Computer Science from
Delhi University are looking to develop a project whose description is as

Project Title:- End To End Blueprint Sample Application Showcasing Web

Description:- The aim of the project will be to make a sample application
for the Metro web services stack on the Glassfish Application Server. The
web page: https://glassfish-samples.dev.java.net/new_samples.html states
that the same is presently required, and is presently unavailable. Also, the
project will aim to fill in the holes that are listed on the Project Ideas
page ( http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=ProjectIdeas ). This, at
the present moment, includes the WSDL DOC tool that follows along the lines
of the javadoc tool, and a screen cast for the security tools available in
the Metro stack. Other such screen casts might also be made for other
web-services that our sample application would use.

The sample application will include many parts, namely:

-> Sample Stock market Applications that provide web services
Two parallel applications that provide facilities for share market updates,
and allow the buying and selling of shares. Both applications will use
simulations for this purpose, and not correspond to an actual market. Both
will expose different WSDL for their web services. The two applications will
be coded independently to simulate the real-world scenario where
web-services are designed by different organizations.

-> A website based user interface that accesses both the sample applications
using Metro
we will design a web-site that will provide only a user interface for the
same services as the one above. In order to do the actual processing a layer
will be designed that will use the web services available from both the
simulations. This will be executed without the end-user knowing the
difference between the two services.

-> Two web-services implementation for similar web-services
-> A website using these web-services as a backend, and minimal content of
its own
-> Screen casts for all web services used in the sample for which such casts
do not already exist
-> WSDL DOC tool

kindly put some light on the topic.

Himanshu Bansal