
Re: Admin CLI Test Plan & Spefication for Glassfish V3 TP2

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 14:35:02 -0700

Thanks Deepa for your valuable input !


Aditya Dada wrote:

> wow! you really ARE missing people here at sun :)
> Deepa Singh changed the world a bit at a time, and said on 4/10/2008
> 3:36 PM:
>> Couple of quick comments.
>> First, plan is quite exhaustive and lists all scenarios in great
>> detail. Definitely gives comfort to some one using GlassFish.
>> There are no scenarios mentioned for negative testing. Will those be
>> covered by some other group?
>> RE: https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=4247
>> I believe there is automatic plugin for code coverage in Hudson, so
>> numbers can/should be automatically generated , instead of twice per
>> cycle. Quality community may invest some time in automating that , or
>> open a separate project.
>> For functional testing perspective, 65% seems bit on lower side,
>> usual acceptance criteria in industry is 80% . On separate note,
>> there is mismatch between goal and deliverable code coverage number (
>> 65% vs 60%). Probably a typo :-)
>> Also, it would be interesting to see detailed testing of Virtual
>> Server with all attributes, rather than just creation and deletion of
>> virtual servers. Maybe all these scenarios are already covered, but
>> just wanted to highlight that Virtual Server is important feature
>> asked by community.
>> RE: http://blogs.sun.com/jluehe/entry/new_support_for_virtual_directory.
>> <virtual-server id="server" [...]>
>> <property name="alternatedocroot_1" value="from=/images/* dir=/usr/gifs"/>
>> <property name="alternatedocroot_2" value="from=*.jpg dir=/usr/gifs"/>
>> <property name="alternatedocroot_3" value="from=*.jsp dir=/usr/jsps"/>
>> <property name="docroot" value="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/docroot"/>
>> </virtual-server>
>> A future version of GlassFish will add proper configuration
>> support for alternate docroots by defining a
>> <virtual-directory-mapping> element under <virtual-server> in
>> domain.xml, with <local-path> and <url-pattern> subelements. The
>> above configuration, while still supported, could then be
>> represented more cleanly, as follows:
>> <virtual-server id="server" [...]>
>> <virtual-directory-mapping>
>> <local-path>/usr/gifs</local-path>
>> <url-pattern>/images/*</url-pattern>
>> <url-pattern>*.jpg</url-pattern>
>> </virtual-directory-mapping>
>> <virtual-directory-mapping>
>> <local-path>/usr/jsps</local-path>
>> <url-pattern>*.jsp</url-pattern>
>> </virtual-directory-mapping>
>> <property name="docroot" value="${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/docroot"/>
>> </virtual-server>
>> If a request matches multiple alternate docroot URL patterns, the
>> following precedence order is used:
>> 1. Exact match
>> 2. Longest path match
>> 3. Extension match
>> Any request that cannot be mapped to any of the web modules
>> deployed on the virtual server, and whose URI does not match any
>> of the virtual server's alternate docroot URL patterns, will
>> continue to be served from the directory indicated by the virtual
>> server's docroot property.
>> You may use the GlassFish admingui or command-line interface
>> (asadmin) to add alternatedocroot_ properties to a virtual
>> server. Please note that GlassFish does not support multi-valued
>> properties in domain.xml. Therefore, if you want to specify
>> multiple alternate docroots for a given virtual server, you need
>> to make sure that each alternate docroot has a distinct property
>> name that starts with alternatedocroot_.
>> Thanks,
>> -Deepa
>> On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 11:18 AM, Sankar Neelakandan
>> <Sankar.Neelakandan_at_sun.com <mailto:Sankar.Neelakandan_at_sun.com>> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I am soliciting your feedback for the admin cli test plan &
>> specifications for V3 TP2 release. Please send me your review
>> comments and I am happy to include it in the test plan &
>> specification.
>> You can find the docs here.
>> http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=QETestPlansAndTestSpecifications
>> thanks
>> Sankar
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> --
> <http://www.java.com> Aditya Dada
> Software Quality Engineer
> Sun Social Software Suite and Java Application Server
> Sun Microsystems, Inc.
> US
> Phone x49494/+1 408 834 4949
> Fax (408)834-4949
> Email Aditya.Dada_at_Sun.COM
> <http://www.java.com>